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Does The End Justify The Means

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Running Head: DOES THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS? Does the end justify the means? Name Course Tutor Date 1 DOES THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS? 2 Should we accept the doctrine that "the end justifies the means"? This doctrine focuses on the idea that it does not matter how a person gets to the end of the journey as long as they get there. It also means that one ought to do all that is in their power and is necessary to ensure that they get to the end of their journey or achieve something. This can be argued in two ways, where the end is not justified by the means and the end justifies the means. "The end justifies the means" could work in individual situations where, for instance, a person may need to save a person they care for through hurting another. The other view takes into account the fact that the intention that is morally right should be applied in every situation. Life is complicated, and one might need to apply the first view in unique situations and the latter in most of the other situations (Riemer, Simon & Romance, 2013) Should this be unconditional? This doctrine should be conditional. It should be conditional depending on the view applied. This is to mean that "the e ...
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