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Blood Group Lab Report

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Genetics of Blood Group 1 Blood Group BIO L320 xxx University xxx 3/07/2018 2 Blood Group Genetics Introduction Blood group system represents a synonym for blood type. Currently, there have been identified around 32 type of systems but the ones that are frequently used in practice are represented by the ABO system and the RhD system. Even so, in case of transplant or transfusion, further group systems might be checked too. On the surface of erythrocytes, there is a form of antigens which are known as agglutinogens. Two types of agglutinogens are used in order to classify the blood in the ABO group, agglutinogen type "A" and agglutinogen type "B". Erythrocytes that have both of them are part of group AB, while the ones that have none are known as Type 0. In the same time, the patient will patient will present in the plasma anti agglutinogens substances. For example, a person who is Group A will have on the red blood cell membrane agglutinogen A and in the plasma anti-B. This explains why transfusing such a patient with type B blood will most likely cause agglutination. (Schroeder,Jensen,2006) In case of Rh antigens, they were presented by Fisher and Race in 1994. In opposition to ABH antigens, they are available only on the erythrocytes and no on other body cells. It is an acronym for the word" rhesus" which classifies the body based on multiple other antigens, focusing especially on antigen D which is extremely immunogenic. Being able to determine all these elements is ...
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