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AA100A/ THE-Final 1 of 6 2020-2021/Summer
Exam Start Date:
Exam End Date:
Total Marks : 50/50
Earned Marks: ……………/50
Warnings and
………………….... 1
Question 1
….………………………..…. 2
Question 2
……….……………….…..… 3
Question 3
………………………………. 4
Choose only TWO of the three questions shown below and answer them in ESSAY
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AA100A: The Humanities Past and Present I
Take Home Exam for Final Assignment 2020-2021/Summer

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AA100A/ THE-Final 2 of 6 2020-2021/Summer
Question 1: (25 marks)
Why do you think Laches and Nicias fail to give proper definitions of courage? What does their
failure tell you about the nature of knowledge according to Socrates? Fully elaborate on the
arguments in this dialogue and explain Socrates's views about traditional beliefs, knowledge, and true
opinion. Support your argument with specific details from the Laches dialogue.
The Laches dialogue entails a conversation revolving around the virtue of courage. Across the
dialogue, different individuals present their views concerning the virtue of courage, presenting
conflicting ideas and perceptions. Notably, the two professionals, Laches and Nicias, are tasked to
explain the ideal meaning of courage. However, the two individuals do not agree, as Socrates
continues to set new definition requirements. Lysimachus and Melesias want to understand the best
virtues to educate their sons to become honorable individuals in society. Even though Lances invites
Socrates to aid in achieving an amicable solution, he complicates the issue and invalidates the
professional capacity of the two generals.
I think Lances and Nicias fail to give proper definitions of the virtue of courage because
Socrates does not create a comfortable and fair environment for the conversation. Instead of
addressing the initial concern of the art of fighting in armor, Socrates shifts the conversation to
address the virtue of courage, hence distracting the minds of the two generals. In response to Socrates'
question, Laches argues that courage entails the capacity of an individual to remain intact when
countered by the enemy. Although Laches seems confident of the response, Socrates further
complicates the question, prompting Laches to narrow down his definition. On the other hand, Nicias
argues that courage entails understanding the grounds for hope and fear. Socrates points out that the
Nicias' definition is too broad, and would include individuals who are not courageous. Therefore,
Laches and Nicias are unable to provide proper definitions of courage because Socrates keeps on
changing the grounds of the question.
The failure of Laces and Nicias to provide proper definitions of courage tells me that different
people have varied perceptions of similar aspects of life. Even though Socrates does not give Laches
and Nicias ample time to respond to the question, their initial arguments about the virtue of courage
are entirely different. Being trusted in their field, the two men should provide reliable information to
their respective subjects. According to Socrates, knowledge is internal. Therefore, respective
individuals should turn into themselves to define the knowledge instead of appealing to external
Across the Laches dialogue, Socrates, Laches, and Nicias present valid arguments to explain
their perceptions towards the virtue of courage and general knowledge. Both Laches and Nicias
present arguments that reveal diverse perceptions of knowledge. However, Socrates challenges the
two individuals in their definitions, providing a broader view of the same. Notably, Socrates
challenges Nicias' definition, revealing that it includes physicians and soothsayers as courageous
individuals, which might not be true. In his defense, Nicias argues that there is a difference between
fearlessness and courage. While challenging Nicias' definition, Socrates argues that individuals

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Take Home Exam for Final Assignment 2020-2021/Summer AA100A: The Humanities Past and Present I Exam Start Date: Exam End Date: Total Marks : 50/50 Earned Marks: ……………/50 Contents: Warnings and Declaration…………………………………………………………….………………………………………… ………………….... 1 Question 1 ...……………………….………………………………………………………………………………………… ….………………………..…. 2 Question 2 …...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….……………….…..… 3 Question 3 ………….………...……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………. 4 Choose only TWO of the three questions shown below and answer them in ESSAY FORM. Plagiarism Warning: As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own THE-Final work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and regulations. Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with THE-Final work): I hereby declare that this submitted THE-Final work is a result of my own efforts and I have not pl ...
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