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Jayden Taylor.edited

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Southern New Hampshire University
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Jayden Taylor posted
When comparing methods of disciplines to methods used to investigate humanities, we find that the
two are very different. Mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences can be described as certain
and/or definitive. The methods of discipline are already a universal truth for everybody, therefore, there
can almost always be one right answer. When looking at the way we study humanities things are often
debated and argued because there is no "right answer". Everybody can perceive the humanities in a
different manor. Due to this, it's almost impossible to determine right from wrong. It is more about
gathering evidence to support your claim because it is not already proven.
Response to Jayden
Hello Jayden,
Mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences are certainly definitive. Unlike these disciplines
which use more scientifically inclined approaches, humanities involve more analytical and critical
approaches. It’s for this reason that mathematical quizzes have specific answers while concepts in
natural and social sciences are considered to be universal. I also agree with you that there is no
right or wrong answer in humanities. For instance, how I examine Picasso or van Gogh’s painting
is now how you may examine it. We could both use different techniques to come up with different

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Jayden Taylor posted When comparing methods of disciplines to methods used to investigate humanities, we find that the two are very different. Mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences can be described as certain and/or definitive. The methods of discipline are already a universal truth for ...
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