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Human Resource Management.edited

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Human resource management
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Organizations need to embrace change to move forward in realizing the needs of the
dynamic customers. A successful change requires management to carry along with the workers.
Organizational changes are prone to resistance from the employees for good reasons or lack of
accurate information. It is the role of the top managers to bring the issues to the followers and
make them understand the need for change. The article highlights some of the steps that can help
in solving resistance to change in an organization.
The first step is the recognition of the underlying issues that are bringing resistance from
the employees. Open communication will help the management understand the workers'
concerns and devise means of addressing the issue without creating tension or coercion. The
second step is reflecting on the organization’s goals. The managers must set achievable goals
before initiating any changes in the firm. The achievable goals begin by stating the desired
changes in a team that would help in meeting the objectives (Knight, 2021). The leaders must
inspire the team to achieve the set goals as activate participants. The final objective in setting
goals is giving reasons for the benefits of team culture changes.
The third step of solving employees’ resistance to change is talking to the team members.
The leaders should interact with the team members to make them understand the reason and the
benefits of accepting the proposed changes in the organizations. The integration of the team
members’ ideas would help reduce resistance and go a long way in ensuring that the organization
goes through a smooth change implementation process. The fourth step is setting new norms to
govern the change process. The step requires the leaders to ensure that the members accept the
new ways of speaking and thinking (Knight, 2021). The new norms will guide the employees on
how to accept the current situation to achieve the set targets.

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Running head: ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1 Human resource management University Student’s name Course title Professor’s name Date ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2 QUESTION 1 Organizations need to embrace change to move forward in realizing the needs of the dynamic customers. A successful change requires management to carry along with the workers. Organizational changes are prone to resistance from the employees for good reasons or lack of accurate information. It is the role of the top managers to bring the issues to the followers and make them understand the need for change. The article highlights some of the steps that can help in solving resistance to change in an organization. The first step is the recognition of the underlying issues that are bringing resistance from the employees. Open communication will help the management understand the workers' concerns and devise means of addressing the issue without creating tension or coercion. The second step is reflecting on the organization’s goals. The managers must set achievable goals before initiating any changes in the firm. The achievable goals begin by stating the desired changes in a team that would help in meeting the objectives (Knight, 2021). The leaders must inspire the team to achieve the set goals as activate participants. The final objective in setting goals is giving reasons for the benefits of team culture changes. The third step of solving employees’ resistance to change is talking to the team members. The leaders shoul ...
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