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Debate On Foreign Aid

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Running head: DEBATE; FOREIGN AID IS GOOD FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Debate; Foreign Aid is Good for Economic Development Student’s name: Course title & number: Instructor: Institution: Date: 1 DEBATE; FOREIGN AID IS GOOD FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Debate; Foreign Aid is Good for Economic Development Foreign aid refers to the assistance in which other nations, primarily European countries, can assist nations that are of developing level or among the less-developed countries. Most of the time, there are significant differences in the degree of foreign aid provided to different countries and they may vary due to the political development level in the country or the economic development policies in a country (Alesina & Dollar, 2000). Foreign aid is effective, and this paper will outline some of the benefits of foreign aid in the economic development of a country. First of all, foreign aid is beneficial for what it is mostly known for; it provides the country that is being assisted with additional monetary gain which when used in the right manner, it leads to saving of lives of families which were not financially equipped (Sachs, 2014). The government of the country may utilize the m ...
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