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Transcription Of The First Interview

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Walden University
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Transcription of the First Interview
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Transcription of the First Interview
Speaker 1 : / Okay, testing, testing. Perfect. So just to reiterate, this research is on psychological
safety and how it presents an issue in organizations based off of how they treat employees
regarding the psychological safety. Excuse me. So, how does your manager encourage you to
share your innovative ideas./
Speaker 2: /Well, first of all, Let us know we had an open door policy. And to come for any
issues to lay out deals, and also bad spring off companies that have started companies that you
got good ideas that would have financed competency starting/
Speaker 1: /next question How does your organization show concern for your mental health.
Speaker 2: /Well, we had to save the meetings on a regular basis, and also the ideals of new
ideals, and people and they were open to new ideas./
Speaker 1: /Can you describe a moment where you share concerns or ideas you had with
management team and what was the outcome. If you did./
Speaker 2: /Well, one case we have an explosion of custom processing. and before the
explosion. I had suggested to the management team and also my co workers, that we would close
the door to custom processing, except for operating valves, and also the we would put a rubber
line and over the tubes that we will use the steel to, and I was adjusting vows by a glass
container, which has been heated up with acid. And the reply was, We've done this like this for
30 years and we don't see an issue with it. And the next week. We got some compatible fuel from
argon and the dissolve a brewer was made a heck of a mess. So, number one at the door to be
close, it would have been contained, until the cubicle, but to go on when close is sitting there
watching it bother. So I thought that was a could have been avoided/

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Running head: TRANSCRIPTION OF THE FIRST INTERVIEW Transcription of the First Interview Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 TRANSCRIPTION OF THE FIRST INTERVIEW 2 Transcription of the First Interview Speaker 1 : / Okay, testing, testing. Perfect. So just to reiterate, this research is on psychological safety and how it presents an issue in organizations based off of how they treat employees regarding the psychological safety. Excuse me. So, how does your manager encourage you to share your innovative ideas./ Speaker 2: /Well, first of all, Let us know we had an open door policy. And to come for any issues to lay out deals, and also bad spring off companies that have started companies that you got good ideas that would have financed competency starting/ Speaker 1: /next question How does your organization show concern for your mental health. Speaker 2: /Well, we had to save the meetings on a regular basis, and also the ideals of new ideals, and people and they were open to new ideas./ Speaker 1: /Can you describe a moment where you share concerns or ideas you had with management team and what was the outcome. If you did./ Speaker 2: /Well, one case we have an explosion of custom processing. and before the explosion. I had suggested to the management team and also my co workers, that we would close the door to custom processing, except for operating valves, and also the we would put a rubber line and over the tubes that we will use the steel to, and I was adjusti ...
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