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Advocate Kutsch College of Nursing
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647217 | 4090 Waldrop Hills Dr, Decatur 30034
You should check out this four-bedroom house in Decatur, Georgia. The rental home has 3,201
sqft of space and is suitable for pets. The house has two full bathrooms and one-half bathroom.
The rental home has a garage separated from the parking lot and is ideal for pets living. The
heating system uses forced air while the laundry system is software controlled. The living room
contains an elegant fireplace. The kitchen has a dishwasher, and the floor of the house is mainly
laminate and vinyl. There is an oversized bathtub and a cooling system that help to enhance the
home feeling. The smart rental home has stainless steel appliances and double sinks. You should
contact our agency to schedule a tour of the house.

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647217 | 4090 Waldrop Hills Dr, Decatur 30034 You should check out this four-bedroom house in Decatur, Georgia. The rental home has 3,201 sqft of space and is suitable for pets. The house has two full bathrooms and one-half bathroom. The rental home has a garage separated from the parking lot and is ...
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