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A Reflection Corrected 1

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Creative Writing
Adelphi University
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A Reflection
Questions about myself, why I exist, my purpose among other life changing questions
haven’t yet fully crossed my mind. I am aware that pondering over these questions might lead to
a significant level of confusion; in essence, I would be lost in a sea of questions. Yet, there I was,
in my third year of University wondering what I was doing with my life. I had so many questions
regarding my past and future life. I wondered whether I had fully utilized the time I had and
whether I would actualize my set goals and objectives. The most significant of them all was,
‘what is my true purpose?” According to Quinn, a person can achieve life’s complete meaning if
their life has both intrinsic and personal value; this paper will emphasize these two values. I was
proud of my achievements thus far, especially my diverse understanding of life. Coming from
Saudi Arabia to study in the U.S opened my eyes to so many different cultures, beliefs, and
practices. My academic life was also a factor that brought me so much joy; being able to study in
the United States was one of my significant achievements, most importantly, I was able to study
in one of the most important industries; management information systems industry. To make it
this far, in one of the most recognized countries in the world is no child’s play.
However, I often wondered if my major would ultimately lead me to my true purpose in
life. How would my degree enable me to achieve my dreams once I was out of school? In as
much as I wanted to make money, I also wanted to live a complete and fulfilling life. I want to

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have an impact; I want to think back and say that I truly lived. In Quinn’s words, I want to be a
Leaver and not just a Taker. By reading Daniel Quinn’s work, I understood the importance of
having an existential moment. In as much as it makes you question a lot of things about your life,
it also contributes to opening your eyes to the world. To who you are, your goal, and the essence
of life.
When I complete my degree, I want to focus on helping the less fortunate in Saudi
Arabia, especially, people with disabilities. There is a 12.7% poverty rate in the country; these
people are not able to access even the most basic of needs. Out of this 3.3% of the total
population are disabled. This is made worse by the fact that many organizations do not prefer
working with disabled populations. This makes it hard for them to grow and develop themselves;
which consequently affects the rest of the population by increasing the poverty rate. Working
with a big organization, I aim at forming partnerships that will enable the development of
equipment to make the lives of these people easier. This will also open up new opportunities for
them by leveling the playing field and proving that they can be productive and efficient members
of the community.
I believe that taking this position would situate me as a Leaver, rather than a Taker. I
would be making use of the knowledge and education acquired from one of the most developed
countries to help the less fortunate in my community. Saudi Arabia is a generally developed
country, however, compared to the United States, much can be done in terms of growth and
development. According to Quinn, 'Man was born to reform and turn the world into a paradise’
through my career path, I believe that I would be fulfilling this purpose. Working with this
organization will enable me to understand the needs of the marginalized in society. This places
me in a better position to address the issues they face and consequently set an example for the

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Surname 1 Professor’s Name Student’s Name Course Date A Reflection Questions about myself, why I exist, my purpose among other life changing questions haven’t yet fully crossed my mind. I am aware that pondering over these questions might lead to a significant level of confusion; in essence, I would be lost in a sea of questions. Yet, there I was, in my third year of University wondering what I was doing with my life. I had so many questions regarding my past and future life. I wondered whether I had fully utilized the time I had and whether I would actualize my set goals and objectives. The most significant of them all was, ‘what is my true purpose?” According to Quinn, a person can achieve life’s complete meaning if their life has both intrinsic and personal value; this paper will emphasize these two values. I was proud of my achievements thus far, especially my diverse understanding of life. Coming from Saudi Arabia to study in the U.S opened my eyes to so many different cultures, beliefs, and practices. My academic life was also a factor that brought me so much joy; being able to study in the United States was one of my significant achievements, most importantly, I was able to study in one of the most important industries; management information systems industry. To make it this far, in one of the most recognized countries in the world is no child’s play. However, I often wondered if my major would ultimately lead me to my true purpose in life. How would my ...
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Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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