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XCOM 285 Week 8 CheckPoint Privacy Laws and Policies Debate

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CheckPoint: Privacy Laws and Policies Debate
After reviewing opposing arguments about privacy laws and policies in the workplace, I
still stand firm by my decision about privacy laws and policies being ethical. There are
numerous reasons behind my decision. First, the equipment and software employee’s use is the
employers. The Electronic Privacy Communication Act (ECPA) is the primary law that protects
employee’s privacy. However, there are still exceptions to the ECPA that protect employers. One
of the exceptions is the provider exception (E-Monitoring in the Workplace: Privacy, Legislation,
and Surveillance Software, 2006). This takes me back to the first reason behind privacy laws and
policies being ethical. Under the ECPA the providers of the equipment have favorable protection
from the court. With that being said, advance to technology has almost made all organizations
depend and rely on technology to complete tasks.
While technology has streamed lined business operations, it has also created problems. In
2001 more than 55% of employees with internet access went online on a workday, and another
study revealed that more than 62% of employees go online for non-work related matters (E-
Monitoring in the Workplace: Privacy, Legislation, and Surveillance Software, 2006). This has to
affect employee’s productivity. Employers want to make sure employees are using company time
productively. As employees we get paid to work and not horse around. As employees we should
respect the hard work put forth to run an organization and appreciate we have a job, thus putting
forth the best effort while on the clock. Employers want to protect their assets, stakeholders,
customers, and even employees, taking me to the last reason why workplace monitoring is

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CheckPoint: Privacy Laws and Policies Debate ? After reviewing opposing arguments about privacy laws and policies in the workplace, I still stand firm by my decision about privacy laws and policies being ethical. There are numerous reasons behind my decision. First, the equipment and software employee's use is the employers. The Electronic Privacy Communication Act (ECPA) is the primary law that protects employee's privacy. However, there are still exceptions to the ECPA that protect employers. One of the exceptions is the provider exception (E-Monitoring in the Workplace: Privacy, Legislation ...
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