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Water sanitation and hygiene wash and hand hygiene with quality and best study materials with example

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School of Health
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Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Hand Hygiene Learning outcomes • Describe the concept related to hand hygiene and WASH • Describe importance of hand hygiene and WASH • Describe when and how to wash hands • Describe barriers and ways to improve hand hygiene practices Learning outcomes • Explain water requirement for specific needs in Heath Facility (HF) • Explain Hand washing facilities and specification as per standards • Describe how WASH reduces Hospital Acquired Infection WASH The Concept of WASH in Healthcare Facilities (1/2) What are essential components of providing basic health services? The Concept of WASH in Healthcare Facilities (2/2) Introduction • WASH services provide water availability and quality in health facilities and ensure presence of sanitation facilities provided with soap and water for hand washing • Adequate Water, Sanitation And Hygiene (WASH) are Essential components of providing basic health services Background of WASH • Global estimates of the burden of endemic HCAIs show that HCAIs cause up to 56% of all neonatal deaths among babies born in hospital in developing countries • 75% of the deaths occurring in South-East Asia and subSaharan Africa • Lack of adequate WASH services may also discourage women from giving birth in HCFs or cause delays in health care-seeking Water Requirement for Specific Needs in Health Facility (1/2) • The health facility management should ensure the facility has o Water qu ...
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Nice! Really impressed with the quality.
