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Vietnamese Independence

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Running head: VIETNAM’S INDEPENDENCE Vietnam’s Independence Institution Affiliation Instructor’s Name Student’s Name Course Code Date 1 VIETNAM’S INDEPENDENCE 2 Vietnam’s Independence Minh's speech proclaiming Vietnam's independence contains a demand that the free world supports that independence in part as payment for services rendered during World War 2. What did 'service' Vietnam render during that conflict? French Colonies had oppressed Vietnams for many years, disregarded their liberty and introduced stringent rules that undermined Vietnamese activities. During Ho Chi Minh speech he says that Vietnamese people worked for the French, provided resources and support to the French military but they gained nothing in return. Their sacrifice to defend their country against Japanese was futile. In his speech he said that “They have reduced our people, especially the peasantry to extreme poverty, they have introduced and invented unjustifiable and numerous taxation rules.” He further said that the prosperity of Vietnam was hampered and their national bourgeoisie; workers mercilessly exploited. Minh said that regardless of how much Vietnamese showed tolerance and ...
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