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Hrm 635 topic 4 discussion 2

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Formal and Informal Orientation Processes in My Organization

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Formal and Informal Orientation Processes in My Organization
Orientation process refers to the part of recruitment process where new employees are
inducted into the organization, the expectations in the position, to whom they should report
and generally all the relevant information they should know about the organization now that
they are joining the organization as an integral part of it. Also known as ‘on-boarding’, the
process offers an opportunity for new employees to not only become acquainted with their
job, but also learn about the organization’s policies, procedures and products and/or services.
According to DuBrin (2012) employee orientation process “is a formal activity designed to
acquaint new employees with the organization (p.326).The process is important because it
reveals to the new employees the specific nature of their jobs and expectations about
Orientation process is an important part of recruitment process. There are two types of
orientation processes in an organization and these are formal and informal orientation
processes. Formal orientation process is planned and structured while informal orientation
process is unplanned and unstructured. It is also adhoc in nature and employees learn about
their work and work environment through informal means.
In my organization, Brookveld Limited, there exists both the formal and informal
employee induction processes. The formal orientation process is quite elaborate with the sole
aim of helping new employees get assimilated to the organization as fast as possible and also
to ensure they become committed and productive workers from the beginning. The program
begins a day prior to the reporting of the employees. Pictures with brief profiles of the new
employees are circulated to all the employees in the organization so that they may know
about them. On the reporting day, the new employees are received and given an orientation
outline to guide them through the process. Together with all the other employees in the

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FORMAL AND INFORMAL ORIENTATION PROCESSES Formal and Informal Orientation Processes in My Organization FORMAL AND INFORMAL ORIENTATION PROCESSES Formal and Informal Orientation Processes in My Organization Orientation process refers to the part of recruitment process where new employees are inducted into the organization, the expectations in the position, to whom they should report and generally all the relevant information they should know about the organization now that they are joining the organization as an integral part of it. Also known as ‘on-boarding’, the process offers an opportunity for new employees to not only become acquainted with their job, but also learn about the organization’s policies, procedures and products and/or services. According to DuBrin (2012) employee orientation process “is a formal activity designed to acquaint new employees with the organization” (p.326).The process is important because it reveals to the new employees the specific nature of their jobs and expectations about performance. Orientation process is an important part of recruitment process. There are two types of orientation processes in an organization and these are formal and informal orientation processes. Formal orientation process is planned and structured while informal orientation process is unplanned and unstructured. It is also adhoc in nature and employees learn about their work and work environment through informal means. In my organization, Brookveld Limited, ...
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