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The University of Alabama
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IPhone 12 Pro
Student’s Name
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IPhone 12 Pro
The advert showcase iPhone 12 Pro and its main features. Apple released the advert on
their YouTube channel after the launch of the new model. The advert provides a detailed analysis
of the phone and some of the features that appear appealing to the customers. Therefore, the
advert can be classified as brand-generated content since the company releases it to promote
sales. The advert had high traffic since the video is viewed by more than 25 million people and
has 677 thousand likes. Lastly, the advert contains a short description of the phone and links to
learn more about the device.
One of the phone's selling points is the 5G network, which is important since it assures
customers of high-speed internet. According to the advert, another critical element is the ceramic
shield, which is stronger than any other smartphone glass. The phone also has an A14 Bionic
with five-nanometer transistors making the phone to have the most powerful chip in a
smartphone. The camera is also described as a "the photographer iPhone," indicating that the
camera has better features than other iPhone series. An example is that the phone helps improve
low-light performance by 87 percent, allowing users to take night mode portraits and
making it the world's first device able to capture, playback, and edit 10-bit HDR footage
with Dolby Vision.
Thesis statement
The iPhone 12 Pro has lived up to the expectation outlined in the advert. The phone
is relatively fast in terms of network and processing data. Also, the ceramic shield makes
the phone more secure from falls. When hanging out with my friends, they always use the

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1 IPhone 12 Pro Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Course Date 2 IPhone 12 Pro Show The advert showcase iPhone 12 Pro and its main features. Apple released the advert on their YouTube channel after the launch of the new model. The advert provides a detailed analysis of the phone and some of the features that appear appealing to the customers. Therefore, the advert can be classified as brand-generated content since the company releases it to promote sales. The advert had high traffic since the video is viewed by more than 25 million people and has 677 thousand likes. Lastly, the advert contains a short description of the phone and links to learn more about the device. Tell One of the phone's selling points is the 5G network, which is important since it assures customers of high-speed internet. According to the advert, another critical element is the ceramic shield, which is stronger than any other smartphone glass. The phone also has an A14 Bionic with five-nanometer transistors making the phone to have the most powerful chip in a smartphone. The camera is also described as a "the photographer iPhone," indicating that the camera has better features tha ...
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Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.
