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XCOM 285 Week 8 dq 2

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I have not been working for almost two years now so I am going to discuss a previous
work place. I used to work for Citi Group as a small business collections agent. I took care of
accounts that were past due 90-150 days. Each employee worked at a desk with a computer and
phone to get the job done. Communication privacy policies, as I found out the hard way, were
quite a bit stricter than I imagined. We had access to the internet, but to limited sites. We were
not able to check personal e-mail or go to socializing sites, but we did have access to instant
messaging and work e-mail. The phone was strictly for business only and we were not able to
dial out without our call being monitored.
The company had full access to everything we did on the internet, every e-mail sent, and
(as I found out the hard way) our instant messages. Our phone calls, both incoming and
outgoing, were all monitored and some were even graded. At the workplace, on the floor, we
were not allowed to use personal cell phones so when we wanted to make a personal call it was
on our break or lunch. We were also not allowed to use our cell phones for text messaging. The
company took advantage of their ability to monitor any and all of their equipment.
I believe that the policies aligned with the reading material because as the material states,
companies have the ability to monitor all of their equipment, and they do. They do not monitor
their equipment just because they can, but because it is in the best interest of the company to do

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I have not been working for almost two years now so I am going to discuss a previous work place. I used to work for Citi Group as a small business collections agent. I took care of accounts that were past due 90-150 days. Each employee worked at a desk with a computer and phone to get the job done. ...
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