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Assessment And Classification Procedure Of Patient Fall Risk

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Aspen University
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Assessment and Classification Procedure of Patient Fall Risk Name Tutor Date Executive Summary ❑ Patient falls are incidents involving patients descending to the floor where sometimes the patients end up injuring themselves. ❑ The current average fall rate in the hospital is 16 patients every month, which is viewed as too high already ❑ The phenomenon is attributed to classification and assessment procedure of falling risk ❑ The classification and assessment of patient fall risk is a critical procedure targeting: ▪ Reducing the rate of monthly patient falls from the current 20 to below 5 ▪ Enhancing overall quality of patient care & safety Proposed Change o Proposed change: using the updated Morse fall o Medical staffs and nurses should pay attention to the updated Morse fall scale: • It helps to determine the risks involved in patient fall • Tracks the history of patient fall Justification o The current average rate of patient falls is 20 patients per month (LeLaurin, & Shorr, 2019). o This can go up if nothing is done o The proposed change aims at reducing the average monthly fall to 5 and below patients per month. o The overall goal is: ✓ Enhanced quality of patient care ✓ Better patient care outcomes ✓ Improved communication Type & Scope of Change o Type of change ▪ Strategic Change:❖ Targets solving the problem in nursing through assessment and classification of patient fall o Scope of change ▪ Change in procedure : - ❖ The prop ...
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