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Thank you letter

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10 October 2021
Dear Donor (name if present),
I'm writing to express my sincere gratitude for your (amount) (scholarship name) scholarship. It
was one of my dreams come true when I got to know that I have been shortlisted and selected as
a recipient of your scholarship. It makes a difference in my academic life. I was in dire need of a
scholarship, otherwise, all my plans or dreams would have been shattered.
Currently, my major is (major name). I intend to continue my education in this field and pursue it
as a career. After graduation, I'm going to xyz university for my higher studies. Without your
scholarship, I would have never been able to step into this stage. I was really worried about my
future in college because of the current vulnerable financial situation of my family, I was about
to drop my studies. Thanks to you, because of you I'm one step closer to achieving my ambition.
This was indeed one of the crucial steps that have only become possible because of you. With
your generous act, I have gained what I needed to make this step a success.
I might be one of the many beneficiaries of your scholarship but to me, this scholarship is not
less than a blessing. By awarding me this scholarship, you have not only helped me with the
finance but also motivated me to keep going in my life with continuous efforts and consistency.
Because of your scholarship, I am confident in my ability to devote myself intellectually and
achieve in my educational endeavors. Thank you for providing me with the assurance I required.
I hope that one day, like you, I can provide students with the support they need to succeed. A
sincere thank you to you for being supportive and providing students like me with what we need
to make our dreams come true.
With much appreciation
(Your sign)

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10 October 2021 Dear Donor (name if present), I'm writing to express my sincere gratitude for your (amount) (scholarship name) scholarship. It was one of my dreams come true when I got to know that I have been shortlisted and selected as a recipient of your scholarship. It makes a difference in my ...
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Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.
