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Starbucks Business Level Strategy

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Strayer University - Lithonia Campus - Online
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Starbuck’s Business-Level Strategy

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Starbucks' business-level strategy is product differentiation market power to stay ahead of
its competitors. Starbucks offers its customers premium location, premium products, premium
customer service, and a reputable brand (Chang, 2020). Starbucks uses a product differentiation
strategy, which involves integrated actions used by a company in producing goods or services
that are different and important for the customers (Tintara & Respati, 2020). Premium customer
service that the Starbucks employees give the customers the very best kind of customer service
that keeps customers going back to Starbucks (Chang, 2020). Shasucks have made several
acquisitions of companies that supply Starbucks with fresh produce to make Starbucks' products
(Geereddy, 2013). This makes it cheaper for the coffee company to make quality products that
are worth the high prices. The product differentiation strategy is appropriate because it ensures
customer loyalty by giving customers something different that they cannot get anywhere else.
Starbucks produces quality products that are fresh and quality customer service that leave the
customer feeling valued and respected (Geereddy, 2013). The Starbucks experience makes
customers go back to Starbucks instead of going to cheaper coffee shops that probably serve the
same types of coffee (Geereddy, 2013).
To improve the product differentiation strategy, companies should limit the number of
patent ideas to enable increased innovation in the industry (Tintara & Respati, 2020). If a
company comes up with an idea and patents it, it limits the chances of the concept being
improved through innovation. As technology evolves, new and better innovative ways are
coming up on ways companies can utilize an idea and come up with product differentiation
methods. A problem that may arise is an increased number of duplicate ideas based on one idea.
This may affect a company's chances of utilizing a product differentiation strategy to stay ahead

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Running head: STARBUCK’S BUSINESS-LEVEL STRATEGY Starbuck’s Business-Level Strategy Name: Institution: 1 STARBUCK’S BUSINESS-LEVEL STRATEGY 2 Starbucks' business-level strategy is product differentiation market power to stay ahead of its competitors. Starbucks offers its customers premium location, premium products, premium customer service, and a reputable brand (Chang, 2020). Starbucks uses a product differentiation strategy, which involves integrated actions used by a company in producing goods or services that are different and important for the customers (Tintara & Respati, 2020). Premium customer service that the Starbucks employees give the customers the very best kind of customer service that keeps customers going back to Starbucks (Chang, 2020). Shasucks have made several acquisitions of companies that supply Starbucks with fresh produce to make Starbucks' products (Geereddy, 2013). This makes it cheaper for the coffee company to make quality products that are worth the high prices. The product differentiation strategy is appropriate because it ensures customer loyalty by giving customers something different that they cannot get anywhere else. Starbucks produce ...
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