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Blue Cross And Blue Shield And Others

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Running head: BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD Case Study: Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Others Student’s name Institution Date 1 BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD AND OTHERS 2 1. Although a very detailed change proposal may prevent people from making their own connections, as discussed in the case, it may lead others to consider the proposal to be vague and unfinished. How do you balance these two concerns? What guidelines would you use to ensure that you are not veering too far off in either direction? Bringing up change in an organization can be an uphill task especially when many of the staff are not aware how such changes are going to affect them. When most of the workers are not aware that the changes will either improve or make it hard for them to perform their duties, they in most cases assume the worst and choose to outright to reject such changes. This is more complicated when the change proposal is very detailed. This is because the team might find it complicated to implement. According to Mangal and Karmarkar(2006), a very detailed change proposal may be complicated for many to understand as well as some people may find it hard to make their own connections. While well-detailed proposals are important especially when securing internal and external funding, they may be hard to implement especially when staffs are not involved in the formulation stage. To balance this and ensure the support and involvement of all or concern staff, it's important to involve them in the p ...
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