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STR 581 W3 Evaluating Options- Strategic Plan- team B

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Evaluating Options 1
Evaluating Options : Strategic Plan
University of Phoenix
International Strategic Planning and Implementation

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The objective of a strategy plan is to provide an effective assessment of the supply
chain and demand, and be able to formulate an exit strategy and operations management of
stocks. Product differentiation allows Riordan minimize the threat of direct competitors and
maximize profits. This document contains a brief description of the organization's mission,
vision and values statement and how it can help create a competitive advantage for the company
along with a situational analysis.

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Evaluating Options?: Strategic Plan University of Phoenix International Strategic Planning and Implementation STR/GM581 Abstract ??????The objective of a strategy plan is to provide an effective assessment of the supply chain and demand, and be able to formulate an exit strategy and operations management of stocks. Product differentiation allows Riordan minimize the threat of direct competitors and maximize profits. This document contains a brief description of the organization's mission, vision and values statement and how it can help create a competitive advantage for the company along with a situational analysis. Evaluating Options: Strategic Plan ? ? The objective of the strategic plan is to find an effective way to succeed in the highly volatile world of today's business. Riordan Manufacturing must understand the different implications of each strategy; these include attracting non-users and increasing the purchase level among Riordan's existing customer base with cost leadership and product differentiation. Riordan Manufacturing must use a combined strategy of "product differentiation and market segmentation," this way the company can affect both sides of the chain of supply and demand. Company Background Riordan Manufacturing is a global firm that specializes on manufacturing plastics, including plastic beverage containers, custom plastic parts, and plastic fan parts. Company employs 550 people and has projected annual earnings of $ ...
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