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Adapting to Change
Organizational Design: Adapting to Change
Ryan L. Taclibon
MTG280 Module 3 Case
Trident University International

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Adapting to Change
Today's adaptive challenges are what organizations face every day. Discovering the
solutions to the issues that affect the company's operational functions is tasking. The presence of
good leaders, stakeholders, and ideas is essential in innovative solutions. It is also necessary for
collaboration amongst the people of expertise to create new solutions that arise from these
adaptive challenges. The modern organization faces diversity, engaging employees, regulatory
and legislative influences, growing revenues, and unlimited technological advances (Chesson,
2018). These challenges can be generalized as internal (within the organization) and external
(outside the organization) factors. Identifying these factors will initialize the process of
organizational structure design better to handle the company's needs and stakeholders.

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Adapting to Change 1 Organizational Design: Adapting to Change Ryan L. Taclibon MTG280 Module 3 Case Trident University International 2 Adapting to Change Introduction Today's adaptive challenges are what organizations face every day. Discovering the solutions to the issues that affect the company's operational functions is tasking. The presence of good leaders, stakeholders, and ideas is essential in innovative solutions. It is also necessary for collaboration amongst the people of expertise to create new solutions that arise from these adaptive challenges. The modern organization faces diversity, engaging employees, regulatory and legislative influences, growing revenues, and unlimited technological advances (Chesson, 2018). These challenges can be generalized as internal (within the organization) and external (outside the organization) factors. Identifying these factors will initialize the process of organizational structure design better to handle the company's needs and stakeholders. 3 Adapting to Change Trends in Organizational Design Regulatory factors include legislative laws and policies that regulators create for accountability mechanisms (Rabeau, 1998). This regulatory environment is comprised of environmental, problem-solving, risk-management, selection, assessment, public relation principles. To deploy accountability is to make regulatory factors visible and explicit among its stakeholders. In this course, key players will be fluent in the "rules of the ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.
