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Mkt 229 5 2 final project milestone three luis cano

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Southern New Hampshire University
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MKT 229 5-2 Final Project Milestone Three
Key Performance Indicators
Luis Cano
Southern New Hampshire University

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Measuring the success of communication marketing integrated with Luca Pet Supply
Store is the most critical part of the campaign general. It is imperative to measure the
performance adequately and communicate the success in all the company. Since Luca Pet Supply
Store is looking to increase the revenue and launch the new toy iFetch, the company should seek
to use various marketing channels, as in line and all the ways digital is networks social and
transmit traditionally. To determine the success of each track and determine that a Message
coherent is communicated effectively.
Using each one of the three channels of marketing, Luca Pet Supply Store will present
one message that will achieve the following: increase the income for food on February 1 5 %
compared to the year last in the markets today.
Increase the revenue for supplies for pets on March 1 5 % by the end of the year and raise
awareness of the brand in line and establish a presence in Los Angeles, CA, and the states closer
to the end of the second quarter. By looking first at social networks, Facebook, Instagram, and
YouTube target the customers present in the northeast as new customer potential in new markets.
The monitoring of participation measures the success, the I like the fans, the endorsements, the
actions, the clicks on the website of Luca Pet Supply Store, the views of videos and offers
claimed in new markets (metric of Marketing and KPI, 2018). Since potential consumers in Los
Angeles and surrounding not have heard before from Luca Pet Supply Store, they will present to
the public objective one coupon to try the new toy, I Fetch. The purchase of this toy will receive
one sample of free food for pets, Luca. Also. It will help eliminate the risk associated with
purchasing a new product and food for pets. In offering one treatment to new customers, we want

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MKT 229 5-2 Final Project Milestone Three Key Performance Indicators Luis Cano Southern New Hampshire University Measuring the success of communication marketing integrated with Luca Pet Supply Store is the most critical part of the campaign general. It is imperative to measure the performance adequately and communicate the success in all the company. Since Luca Pet Supply Store is looking to increase the revenue and launch the new toy iFetch, the company should seek to use various marketing channels, as in line and all the ways digital is networks social and transmit traditionally. To determine the success of each track and determine that a Message coherent is communicated effectively. Using each one of the three channels of marketing, Luca Pet Supply Store will present one message that will achieve the following: increase the income for food on February 1 5 % compared to the year last in the markets today. Increase the revenue for supplies for pets on March 1 5 % by the end of the year and raise awareness of the brand in line and establish a presence in Los Angeles, CA, and the states closer to the end of the second quarter. By looking first at social networks, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube target the customers present in the northeast as new customer potential in new markets. The monitoring of participation measures the success, the I like the fans, the endorsements, the actions, the clicks on the website of Luca Pet Supply Store, the views of videos and offers claime ...
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