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Web Security Cryptography

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Running Head: WEB SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY Web Security and Cryptography Institutional Affiliation Date 1 WEB SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY 2 I have found that cryptography is highly essential in this technological era. The technology significance can be seen by many since it helps with the protection of the information which travels over the internet. Cryptology has managed to offer security since this technological era has been vulnerable to hackers, viruses and electronic fraud. In my opinion, cryptography will involve the use of encryption which will offer protection to the content found on the internet. The material will include emails, telephone calls which uses the internet as the main medium and any transaction which may occur on the internet. Due to the various security risks which will affect the network, multiple disciplines under cryptography and the protection of the web have matured to provide applications which help secure the network. I found the book "Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice" which has been written by William Stalling highly essential. The book manages to provide information on cryptography as well as the applications which will help ensure that the network is secure from any security risks (Stallings, 2006). In my observation, I managed to see that most businesses, as well as government agencies, are currently using websites in their daily lives. The Internet has continued to expand swiftly through time. Individual acces ...
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