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Data File 1

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Data File 1 Chapter One 1) Determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample. a) Based on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have heart disease. Is this a population or a sample? Explain your answer. This is a sample. Bennett, Briggs, & Triola (2014) describe a sample as a subset from which a researcher obtains data. Thus, the group of 500 patients is a sample since it is obtained from a bigger group high cholesterol patients. In other words, from the bigger population of patients who have a high level of cholesterol, the researcher obtained a sample of 500 patients which was utilized as a representation of the entire population in the study regarding the commonness of heart illness in this specific population. The research revealed that this prevalence was 67%. b) An investigation of 150 randomly selected local restaurants concluded that 42% of local restaurants have serious health code violations. Is this a population or a sample? Explain your answer. This is a sample. This is because the group of 150 local restaurants was selected from a bigger population of restaurants, i.e., from the population which in this case is all local restaurants, 150 restaurants were selected to serve as a sample to represent the entire population. 2) Determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter. a) A researcher determines that 42.7% of all downtown office buildings have ventilation problems. Is this a statis ...
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