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Housewife Of The 1950 S

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1 Running Head: Housewife of the 1950's Housewife of the 1950's Student name: Institutional affiliation: 2 Housewife of the 1950's Housewife of the 1950's A “typical” housewife of 1950’s is totally different from a “typical” housewife today in terms of their expectations, roles and responsibilities. In 1950s, being a housewife meant conformity and respectability. Once married, a woman did not have to work so as to earn a living; instead they remained at home to keep their houses and raise children. In 1950s, the husband was regarded as the head a household in terms of being a custodian of bank accounts, legal documents and mortgages. The housewife only received family allowance; nothing more. Furthermore, if a housewife found herself in a violent or loveless marriage, she had no option but to stay in it since she had no money and no career. On the other hand, a housewife today has a career, has a job, her own many and equal educational opportunities. In case, she found herself in a loveless marriage, she will use her money to request for a divorce. Moreover, housewives toady can choose to raise their children alone as single mothers. However, one similarity between ...
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