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Edison State University

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1 Emile Durkheim and Sociology Edison State University Professor LawJeffrey Written Assignment 3 February 2018 Soc 387 2 Emile Durkheim and Sociology Émile Durkheim and Sociology Émile Durkheim is one of the most important theorist’s when it comes to the modern sociology. He was able to separate sociology as a unique discipline from others and therefore was like the father of sociology. Through his work, he was able to create many theories that were related to sociology and successfully validated sociology as an academic discipline that students needed to learn. From his childhood, Emile wanted to study sociology and become a successive sociologist and his dream came true during his first lesson of sociology course in 1887 in the University of Bordeaux in France. His study will give the reason as to why sociology came to become a discipline that was essential to learn. Distinguishing Sociology from other Disciplines His work states that social facts in social phenomena are the subject matter when it comes to sociology. The reason is because they have unique social characteristics and determinants. The characteristics were not responsive to any explanations that are not related to psychological or biological level. In his work, he relates social work with things. This simply meant that there is the difference between positivism, empirical, scientific observation and the analyzing of the sociological phenomena. His work was based on the observational facts of social th ...
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