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Nervous System Disorders

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Running head: ANALYSIS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS NAME INSTITUTION AFFILIATION 1 NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS Nervous System Disorders 1. Glaucoma It is an eye disorder that occurs when there is a build-up of fluid in the eye, which results in pressure in the eye, thus destroying the optic nerve of the eye. The optic nerve acts as the agent of transmitting information from the eyes to the brain. Its destruction implies that there is a severe loss of vision, and in severe cases, blindness. Causes of Glaucoma The glaucoma is of different types; which creates a diversity of its causes. 2 NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS • Chronic open angle glaucoma: it is the most common. It is believed to arise if the eye is unable to drain fluid, causing the pressure to buildup and thus destruction of optic nerve and vision loss. • Acute closed angle glaucoma: it is ususally sudden and very painful. It is caused by the inability of the area between the iris and cornea to drain fluid, causing pressure to develop in the eye. • Secondary glaucoma: named so because it develops out of previous conditions, such as medications and injuries. • Normal-tension glaucoma: occurs if the pressure in the eye is neither low nor high, but the damage to the optic nerve still occurs. Symptoms • Blurred vision • Vomiting and nausea • Pain in the eye, which may be severe • Headache • Rainbow haloes Diagnostic procedures The major test for glaucoma takes ...
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