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Visit the Healthy People website using the imbedded link:
Review their 26 leading health indicators (LHI). Identify 3 important indicators that you would like to
promote as a community health nurse. Discuss why these three indicators are important to you?
Identify a primary, secondary or tertiary prevention strategy that you would use to improve the health
of people in the community using one of these selected indicators. For example, smoking among
adolescents is one LHI; this may be important to someone if a family member or friend began smoking in
high school and developed lung cancer. A primary prevention strategy could be educating high school
students about the effects of smoking; a secondary strategy would be to screening people who smoke
for early detection of disease; tertiary prevention would be smoking cessation to limit damage and
Among the list of 26 leading health indicators (LHI), the three most important indicators that I would like
to promote as a community health nurse include major depressive episodes among adolescents, use of
alcohol or illicit drugs among adolescents, and exposure of children to secondhand smoke. These three
indicators are deemed to be among the most critical to look at since they directly involve the children
and adolescents who belong to a vulnerable group in the population. Depression and the use of
alcohol/drugs are two of the most tackled issues among adolescents. As a matter of fact, 16% of people
aged 10 to 19 years suffer from a mental health disease, mainly depression (WHO, 2020). With this
being presented, there is a significant need for an action to take place, especially that depression does
not only affect mental health but physical health as well. This condition could even translate to
adolescent-substance-related attitudes (the second indicator) making the situation even worse as these
struggling individuals would have a multiplied burden of achieving sustainable and fulfilling lives.
Consequently, the exposure of children to secondhand smoke makes them vulnerable to acquiring acute
to chronic respiratory diseases (Sunday & Kabir, 2019). This issue needs further attention as it shows
that exposure extends to infants or even during pregnancy. With all of these taken, it is important to
implement strategies that would improve the health of these vulnerable groups. As an example, a
primary strategy for depression among adolescents would be educating and spreading awareness about
the reality of this issue not only among adolescents but also among families and communities. A
secondary strategy would involve conducting a community-based consultation to identify and screen the
existence of this issue among adolescents. Lastly, a tertiary strategy would include family-based
counseling to support and provide a care plan to families with members (e.g. adolescents) struggling
from depression.
Sunday, S., & Kabir, Z. (2019). Impact of carers’ smoking status on childhood obesity in the growing up in
Ireland cohort study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(15). doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152759
World Health Organization. (2020, September 28). Adolescent mental health. Retrieved from

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To receive maximum credit for discussion questions, please adhere to the following: Include a minimum
of 300-400 words and two professional references, one of which may be Stanhope and both references
must be cited in your discussion.
Define public health nursing. Discuss the following three core functions of the public health nurse:
assessment, policy development and assurance. Explain how population-focused nursing practice is
different from clinical nursing care delivered in the community. Include a minimum of 250-300 words
and two professional references, one of which may be Stanhope.
Public health nursing is defined as the practice of advocating the promotion of wellness and the
protection of health in the community. As a public health nurse, the promotion of public health nursing
follows three core functions. These include assessment, policy development, and assurance. Basically,
assessment involves the systematic and comprehensive identification and assessment of the public
health issues, as well as the necessary needs to address these issues (Hoss et al., 2017). To further note,
community health assessment aims to examine indicators that would provide the information needed to
identify the health status of the community. Although different strategies are implemented to target the
goal of a community health assessment, the most essential approach includes community engagement.
On the other hand, policy development involves the creation and implementation of decisions, laws,
and regulations to promote services that would help improve the health of the community. To ensure
quality-based health interventions, policy development is analyzed by health professionals through
policy-relevant researches and the promotion of evidence-based policies. Assurance, the third core
function, ensures that community health guidelines are met by focusing on the roles of public health
agencies with regard to the regulation and coordination of programs and policies for efficient health
services. These three core functions provide the basis for establishing an efficient and effective public
health nursing practice. On a different note, population-focused nursing practice differs from clinical
nursing care delivered in the community in a sense that the interventions of the former do not only
focus on the health status of the entire community but also among families and individuals of that
vulnerable community (Shahzad et al., 2019). Clinical nursing care, on the other hand, integrates primary
healthcare to community nursing practice. With this, this approach focuses more on preventive care and
health education in the community.
Hoss, A., Menon, A., & Corso, L. (2017). State public health enabling authorities: results of a fundamental
activities assessment examining core and essential services. J Public Health Manag Pract, 22(6),
529-536. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000347
Shahzad, M., Upshur, R., Donnelly, P., Bharmal, A., Wei, X., Feng, P., & Brown, A.D. (2019). A population-
based approach to integrated healthcare delivery: a scoping review of clinical care and public
health collaboration. BMC Public Health, 708. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-7002-z

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QUESTION 1: APPROXIMATELY 300-400 WORDS Visit the Healthy People website using the imbedded link: Review their 26 leading health indicators (LHI). Identify 3 important indicators that you would like to promote as a community health nurse. Discuss why these three indicators are important to you? Identify a primary, secondary or tertiary prevention strategy that you would use to improve the health of people in the community using one of these selected indicators. For example, smoking among adolescents is one LHI; this may be important to someone if a family member or friend began smoking in high school and developed lung cancer. A primary prevention strategy could be educating high school students about the effects of smoking; a secondary strategy would be to screening people who smoke for early detection of disea ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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