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Chocolate Final 1

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Southern New Hampshire University
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Running head: MARKETING 1
Expanding Chocolate Bliss into Germany
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Expanding Chocolate Bliss into Germany
I agree with you Germany would be an ideal location to expand the Chocolate Bliss
brand. As you have stated, there is a market niche that Chocolate Bliss can fill in Germany
because it produces its quality chocolate with more health consciousness compared to that of
Americans. This can allow Chocolate Bliss to explore and study the German market in order to
meet customers’ satisfaction. Consequently, the company can establish a competitive edge in the
market. Chocolate Bliss should also establish in Germany because of its vast chocolate
consumption. Germany is the second chocolate consumer in the world. Additionally, there are
few international chocolate companies in Germany; thus, Chocolate Bliss can acquire a
considerable market share.
As you have outlined, linguistics is one of the factors that should be considered when
expanding. Even though some Germans speak English, their native language is German. This
can pose a challenge in translating English to German while marketing the brand. To mitigate
this challenge, the company should hire a marketer who is fluent in both German and English.
Alternatively, the company can sponsor one person from the USA to study German culture and
language. This will go a long way in helping the company to develop the best marketing
strategies. As you have discussed, the other factor that the company should consider is
competition. The company should be aware of German chocolate, which is healthier compared
to American chocolate. Chocolate Bliss should watch their brand to ensure its standards conform
to those of German. Besides, the company should make their brand cheaper to build a broad
customer base.
The other factor the Chocolate Bliss should consider is German culture. The company
should be aware of the growing demand for sustainable and organic cocoa and darker chocolate.

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Running head: MARKETING 1 Expanding Chocolate Bliss into Germany Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation MARKETING 2 Expanding Chocolate Bliss into Germany I agree with you Germany would be an ideal location to expand the Chocolate Bliss brand. As you have stated, there is a market niche that Chocolate Bliss can fill in Germany because it produces its quality chocolate with more health consciousness compared to that of Americans. This can allow Chocolate Bliss to explore and study the German market in order to meet customers’ satisfaction. Consequently, the company can establish a competitive edge in the market. Chocolate Bliss should also establish in Germany because of its vast chocolate consumption. Germany is the second chocolate consumer in the world. Additionally, there are few international chocolate companies in Germany; thus, Chocolate Bliss can acquire a considerable market share. As you have outlined, linguistics is one of the factors that should be considered when expanding. Even though some Germans speak English, their native language is German. This can pose a challenge in translating English to German while marketing the brand. To mitigate this challenge, ...
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