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Gender Inequality

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Palm Beach State College
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Running head: GENDER INEQUALITY 1 Gender Inequality Name: Institution: Instructor: Course: Date: GENDER INEQUALITY 2 Introduction Gender inequality refers to a social problem that results in unfair treatment between different genders. It originates from dissimilarities in the socially constructed gender relationships as well as biologically through hormonal differences and chromosomes (Dill & Zambrana, 2009). In the United States society, gender roles have changed and inequalities between male and female are questioned in virtually every sphere- in homes, at workplaces and even in public affairs. However, facts indicate that gender gaps disparities still exist even in the wave of the current social and economic transformations and determined movements to challenge gender subordination. Gender inequality is still persistent in the American society because women are less likely to hold supervisory and managerial positions, earn around 81% of what their male counterparts earn, and they do twice household chores and childcare even if both spouses earn wages (Dill & Zambrana, 2009). This leaves one wondering how this could be? Therefore, this paper aims to identify attitudes and beliefs that tend to perpetuate gender inequality and how it affects women both in homes, at the workplaces and in politics. There are many causes of gender inequality in the United States society such as maternity leave and pay inequality between genders, but I will explain this inequality based on ...
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