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Stakeholder Analysis Report

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Operating Systems
Capella University
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Title: Stakeholder Communication in Health Information Systems
Department and University Name
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Stakeholder Communication in Health Information Systems
Planning the Process
Stakeholders in any business have a vital role and immense importance. Any individual
or a group that has any kind of interest in the company can be called off as a stakeholder.
Different companies have diverse types of stakeholders according to the objectives and needs of
the organization. Certain stakeholders are present in the health Information Management system
of Vila Health Independence Medical Center. The purpose of doing the critical analysis of
stakeholders is to gather information about the impact of working plans, policies on the
stakeholders of Vila Health. Therefore, the analysis information can be used to amend guidelines
and reform policies for the better engagement of stakeholders.
Primary Stakeholders
The primary stakeholders that have been identified in the Health Information
Management of Vila Health include Chief Executive Officer, operations manager, financial
service managers, and in the end, physicians and nurse managers. It is imperative to know the
elementary needs and challenges that are being faced by these stakeholders for their evaluation
by analysis (Serrano et al., 2018). In this part of the analysis, a core discussion has been carried
out about the fundamental needs, responsibilities, and challenges confronted by each stakeholder
along with the necessities of Vila Health Medical Centre.
Needs and Challenges
First, the basic challenge and obstruction faced by all of the stakeholders are the same,
which is the operating system in electronic health record systems used in Vila Medical is Opus. It is
an operating system that is being utilized by the medical center, but it has deeply affected the marking
and records of the patients. Some analysts have also pointed out that this software is a bit too old to be

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1 Title: Stakeholder Communication in Health Information Systems Name: Department and University Name Course Code: Professor’s Name: Date: 2 Stakeholder Communication in Health Information Systems Planning the Process Stakeholders in any business have a vital role and immense importance. Any individual or a group that has any kind of interest in the company can be called off as a stakeholder. Different companies have diverse types of stakeholders according to the objectives and needs of the organization. Certain stakeholders are present in the health Information Management system of Vila Health Independence Medical Center. The purpose of doing the critical analysis of stakeholders is to gather information about the impact of working plans, policies on the stakeholders of Vila Health. Therefore, the analysis information can be used to amend guidelines and reform policies for the better engagement of stakeholders. Primary Stakeholders The primary stakeholders that have been identified in the Health Information Management of Vila Health include Chief Executive Officer, operations manager, financial service managers, and in the end, physicians and nurse managers. It is imperative to know the elementary needs and challenges that are being faced by these stakeholders for their evaluation by analysis (Serrano et al., 2018). In this part of the analysis, a core discussion has been carried out about the fundamental needs, responsibilities, and challenges confronted by each stak ...
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