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Business Ethics 2

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DePaul University
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Business Ethics Question
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Business Ethics Question
1. Name and explain the 3 categories that Sandel believes all arguments related to
Justice will fit into.
Maximizing welfare-focus on bringing the best interest of people.
Respecting freedom- understanding human nature as being free
Promoting virtue- living up to the moral standard of the society.
2. What does it mean to think methodologically?
It encourages readers to understand different methods of research as a method of
3. According to Sandel, the standard case for unfettered markets rests on two
claimsname and explain.
Freedom- people are free to buy or sell whatever they want.
Welfare- based on utilitarianism, people are allowed to make deals in the free market,
increasing the general welfare, which increases happiness.
4. How does Sandel describe the differences between ancient theories of justice and
Modern theories of justice?
Ancient theories focused on what was good in life, while modern theories state that
people's nature is to move towards freedom.
5. Into which of Sandel's 3 categories does utilitarianism fit into?
The welfare, doing the most significant amount of good for a great number of people.
6. Under what general ethical type category does utilitarianism fit into?
Consequentialism theory
7. What are the basic anthropological claims of utilitarianism? (Meaning, how does a
utilitarian understand the purpose of human existence?)

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1 Business Ethics Question Students Name Department: Institution Course Title: Course Name Professors Name Date 2 Business Ethics Question 1. Name and explain the 3 categories that Sandel believes all arguments related to Justice will fit into. • Maximizing welfare-focus on bringing the best interest of people. • Respecting freedom- understanding human nature as being free • Promoting virtue- living up to the moral standard of the society. 2. What does it mean to think methodologically? It encourages readers to understand different methods of research as a method of thinking. 3. According to Sandel, the standard case for unfettered markets rests on two claims—name and explain. Freedom- people are free to buy or sell whatever they want. Welfare- based on utilitarianism, people are allowed to make deals in the free market, increasing the general welfare, which increases happiness. 4. How does Sandel describe the differences between ancient theories of justice and Modern theories of justice? Ancient theories focused on what was good in life, while modern theories state that people's nature is to move towards freedom. 5. Into which of Sandel's 3 categories does utilitarianism fit into? The welfare, doing the most significant amount of good for a great number of people. 6. Under what general ethical type category does utilitarianism fit into? Consequentialism theory 7. What are the basic anthropological claims of utilitarianism? (Meaning, how does a utilitarian ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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