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Financial Tool
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One of the critical components of any organization is its financial well-being. The crucial
importance of the financial well-being of an organization can be established by the fact that
aspect enables them to manage their operations. Furthermore, most organizations conduct their
operations to attain financial benefit, thus making it further necessary. Similarly, the financial
well-being of the healthcare organization is also highly crucial as it not just helps them sustain
but carries out research and development to ensure the overall benefit of the society (Finkler et
al., 2018). Therefore, the financial well-being of all the organizations is crucial that includes the
healthcare organization. The accounting tools play an essential role in ensuring the suitable
financial well-being of the organizations, and the financial statements are considered a crucial
accounting tool.
The financial statements come in different forms, such as balance sheets, cash flows,
equity statements. All of the discussed accounts depict the position of an organization in context
to financial well-being (Finkler et al., 2018). One of the prime examples being that the balance
scorecards present the balance between the financial and non-financial assets of the organization.
If a balance between them is not maintained, it will develop sustainability challenges, which is
especially relevant in the case of healthcare organizations (Click & Dobbins, 2020). Healthcare
organizations intend to offer health-related services, and prominently, finance is not their first
preference. However, suppose a balance is not maintained in terms of finance. In that case, the
organization will not be able to meet the requirements of the healthcare professionals and would
develop employee turnover intention leading to compromising the services.
Similarly, other includes new tools for better healthcare services will also be
compromised. They would lead to further challenges for the services being offered (Click &
Dobbins, 2020). Thus, it is essential to ensure that the organization maintains the financial and

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FINANCIAL TOOL 1 Financial Tool Name Course Date of Submission FINANCIAL TOOL 2 One of the critical components of any organization is its financial well-being. The crucial importance of the financial well-being of an organization can be established by the fact that aspect enables them to manage their operations. Furthermore, most organizations conduct their operations to attain financial benefit, thus making it further necessary. Similarly, the financial well-being of the healthcare organization is also highly crucial as it not just helps them sustain but carries out research and development to ensure the overall benefit of the society (Finkler et al., 2018). Therefore, the financial well-being of all the organizations is crucial that includes the healthcare organization. The accounting tools play an essential role in ensuring the suitable financial well-being of the organizations, and the financial statements are considered a crucial accounting tool. The financial statements come in different forms, such as balance sheets, cash flows, equity statements. All of the discussed accounts depict the position of an organization in context to financial well-being (Finkler et al., 20 ...
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Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.


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