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Realistic fiction

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refers to stories that could indeed happen to people and animals; that is, it is
within the realm of possibility that such events could occurred.
Realism in literature is a complex, multifaceted concept.
Factual realism-is provided by the description of actual people, place and
events in the book.
Situational realism-is provided by the situation that is not only possible
but also quite likely, often in an identifiable location with character of an
identifiable age and social class, making the whole treatment believable.
Emotional Realism-the appearance of believable feelings and relationship
among characters.
Social Realism-is an honest portrayal of society and its condition of the
moment. In almost all good realistic stories, several of these components
of realism occur.
Contemporary Realism-is a term used to describe stories that took place
in the present time and portray attitudes and mores of the present culture.
The criteria for evaluating realistic fiction are the same as those for any work
of fiction.
Even stories that portray adverse and discouraging social situations should
permit some cause of optimism. Children need to trust that problems can be
overcome or ameliorated and that the world can be good place in which to
A novel of realistic fiction must be believable, and the events must be possible
even though all aspects may not be probable.
Controversy involving children’s books often centers on topics that are found
in realistic fictions novels, such as premarital sex, pregnancy, homosexuality,
and the use of profanity.

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An aspect of writing style that students greatly appreciate is humor. Although
humor may be found in stories of any genre, it is more often found in realistic
Regional stories and stories about children of minority groups began to appear
with more frequency in the 1940’s.
It was only 1960’s and 1970’s that books written by minorities began to
achieve national recognition.
It portrays African-American childhood experiences and are two of the
earliest and most noteworthy books representing this trend toward increased
minority authorship.
Controversial topics such as death, divorce, drugs, alcoholism, and
disabilities, which have always been a part of childhood, became permissible
topics in children’s books.
This newer, franker brand of realism, sometimes referred to as the new
realism, changed the world of children books. The new realism books may be
less lighthearted than their predecessors, but they also more truthful and more
The earliest realistic stories were intended to teach morality and manners to
the young readers.
The characters of the children’s stories of the 1700s were usually wooden,
lifeless boys and girls who lives were spent in good works; however, in
England during this period, two significant events affecting the future of
children’s literature occurred.

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REALISTIC FICTION ● refers to stories that could indeed happen to people and animals; that is, it is within the realm of possibility that such events could occurred. ● Realism in literature is a complex, multifaceted concept. COMPONENTS OF REALISM IN LITERATURE ● Factual realism-is provided by the description of actual people, place and events in the book. ● Situational realism-is provided by the situation that is not only possible but also quite likely, often in an identifiable location with character of an identifiable age and social class, making the whole treatment believable. ● Emotional Realism-the appearance of believable feelings and relationship among characters. ● Social Realism-is an honest portrayal of society and its condition of the moment. In almost all good realistic stories, several of these components of realism occur. ● Contemporary Realism-is a term used to describe stories that took place in the present time and portray attitudes and mores of the present culture. EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF REALISTIC FICTION ● The criteria for evaluating realistic fiction are the same as those for any work of fiction. ● Even stories that portray adverse and discouraging social situations should permit some cause of optimism. Children need to trust that problems can be overcome or ameliorated and that the world can be good place in which to live. ● A novel of realistic fiction must be believable, and the events must be possible even though all aspects ...
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