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Pest Analysis Template About Nike Company

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Running head: NIKE PEST ANALYSIS 1 Nike PEST Analysis Name Institution NIKE PEST ANALYSIS 2 Nike PEST Analysis Political Economical The consideration of the political environment The economic environment affects the is important in enhancing the success of the operation of the organization as the conditions business. of the economy influence the company growth. I. Nike has gained from the US such as the slowdown in 2008-09 towards growth leading to stability in affected the operations of the company currency exchange and the lowering of leading to a decline in profitability. II. The market cycles in the emerging The company has suffered from market have helped in the political wars and conflicts in the establishment of the brand and this has country of operation and this is created the changes that enable especially in the Asian country that has company expansion due to increased increased the expenditure of the consumer demand. company (Landrum, 2008). III. The economic trends in the US market government policies that are oriented the interest rates. II. I. III. The economic policies of the The legislative framework of the underdeveloped countries create country of operation such as United challenges for the operation of the Kingdom focuses on the interest of the company and it has faced law suits in shareholders creating a favorable the rates of labor and the need for the environment for operation. retention of the employees. ...
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Very useful material for studying!
