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T322 Restorative Justice

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Running head: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE 1 Restorative Justice Institution Affiliation Date RESTORATIVE JUSTICE 2 Braithwaite's concept of reintegrative shaming Braithwaite has written several books which have played a big role in contributing to the concept of crime. In his article, Braithwaite has emphasized and stressed on the role or responsibility that shame and shaming plays in preventing illegal or criminal behavior. He, however, differentiates between good forms of shame and the bad forms of shame. This is because bad forms of shame, such as stigmatization, can result in negative consequences on an individual. This concept was developed when people were committing a lot of crime and criminologists wanted to identify why individuals committed these crimes. The concept of reintegrative shaming Reintegrative shaming has been termed as a form of shaming that is imposed and executed as an authorization by the criminal justice system with the main aim being to strengthen the moral between the community and the offender or perpetrator (Kim and Gerber, 2018). According to the theory, shame or shaming is very important when it comes to the issue of criminal punishment. This is becaus ...
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