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Differences between public criminal investigations and private security investigations

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Dierences between public criminal invesgaons and private security
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dierences and similaries between sectors
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Situaons where private and public invesgators must interact
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Differences between public criminal investigations and private security investigations Public criminal investigation is generally conducted by sworn states or federal law enforcement officers and regulations that have been set down by constitution must be implemented in evaluation to a private protection sector investigation that is carried out by a private agent who in accordance to the legislation is a private resident and does not utilize government resources to carry out a police analysis. For private detectives however, a number of constitutional obstacles don't hold water, for instance, utilize of the Miranda caution prior to witnesses to a situation can give a caution. (Kadish, '83) Contrasting public investigators, private detectives are not required by the legislation to stay to legislation. The private detectives can perform any kind of role that they are designated by their customers and for whatever length that the private agent will abide by the customer. Public detectives are usually designated to specific precincts whilst private investigators are completely free to do job for customers from different geographical places. (McKenzie, '96) Public investigators are generally designated to specific division in their work locations for example; medication related crimes and inspections, prostitution related offences investigations, scams or homicide related instances. Private detectives are totally free to do job on instances that are from different field, for i ...
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