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Cis 622 group case study

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From: Mira Malek; Shannon Baldwin; Revathi Mettukuru; Devan Traglia
To: Steve Masters; Laura Beck; Dick Landry; Kristen Fogle; John Pesche; Chris Allers
CC: Wes Davis; Patty McKee; William Mason
Date: Thursday, December 03, 2020
RE: IT Payroll Failure Initial Response Plan
This memorandum is intended to identify system failures leading up to the recent payroll
issue, and then propose an initial response plan based on proven successful DevOps practices.
1. First, the detailed initial findings of how and why the payroll system failed.
2. Next, best practices for successful collaboration between development and operations.
3. Finally, an initial response plan to ensure the system does not fail again in the future.
Attached you will find multiple references for the DevOps concepts outlines in this memo.
Initial Findings
Payroll Failure
Data pulled from the financial system was inaccurate due to a corrupted table
field called Social Security Numbers.
The Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for employees is stored in plain
text in the timekeeping application.
John Pesche has found a product to tokenize this information, but the
deployment is 1 year overdue.
There is a 4-month queue in the ticketing system for new work orders.
There is not an environment to test these changes before implementation.
Tokenization of the time application was found to use a different character
encoding set than that of the database server.
A vendor field engineer was on-site to install a firmware upgrade on the
Storage Area Network (SAN) only 4 hours before the payroll was run.
The SAN firmware was many versions behind because we never found a big
enough maintenance time frame or ‘window’ to take down several servers.
The vendor failed to test the upgrade path first and when all the tests he ran
failed, he attempted to roll back the change with no success.
The database server was updated later that night, and SAN was restored.
Tests pulled clean payroll data and workers will be paid only 1 to 3 days late.

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The Phoenix Project
No testing environment has been identified and agreed upon between
development and operations.
Delay in sharing information pertaining to deployment and infrastructure.
Delay in ordering and receiving servers due to poor internal communications
and longer vendor lead times.
The system is only able to process 4 transactions per second; the goal is 250.
We are constantly rebooting servers to compensate for poor code performance.
Problems are not being identified or addressed during quality control testing.
The project is already $20M over budget and 2 years past due.
DevOps Collaboration
The Value Stream
This includes quality assurance, operations, and information security teams.
Organizing people into value streams increases speed to market and optimizes
the flow of information, as well as paints a clear picture of the deliverables.
Development Value Stream includes the tasks and the people who develop
solutions to be used in the operational value streams.
Operations Value Stream includes the tasks and the people who will deliver
value to end-users, utilizing solutions from the development value streams.
This leads to fewer handoffs and less delays, which enable teams to work
together more efficiently and in smaller batches.
It enables teams to focus on delivering value with a focus on task completion.
It also enables faster learning, increased productivity, and better quality.
The 3 Ways Principles of Underpinning DevOps
Figure 1: The 3 Ways

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MEMO From: To: CC: Date: RE: Mira Malek; Shannon Baldwin; Revathi Mettukuru; Devan Traglia Steve Masters; Laura Beck; Dick Landry; Kristen Fogle; John Pesche; Chris Allers Wes Davis; Patty McKee; William Mason Thursday, December 03, 2020 IT Payroll Failure — Initial Response Plan This memorandum is intended to identify system failures leading up to the recent payroll issue, and then propose an initial response plan based on proven successful DevOps practices. 1. First, the detailed initial findings of how and why the payroll system failed. 2. Next, best practices for successful collaboration between development and operations. 3. Finally, an initial response plan to ensure the system does not fail again in the future. Attached you will find multiple references for the DevOps concepts outlines in this memo. Initial Findings Payroll Failure ● Data pulled from the financial system was inaccurate due to a corrupted table field called ‘Social Security Numbers’. ● The Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for employees is stored in plain text in the timekeeping application. ● John Pesche has found a product to tokenize this information, but the deployment is 1 year ove ...
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