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Command And Contracting Lines Of Authority And Structure

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American Public University System
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Command and Contracting Lines of Authority and Structure
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Professor's Name

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Command and Contracting Lines of Authority and Structure
The authority and structure are a very critical topic or rather subject of discussion in society today.
The command and contracting lines of authority and structure are among the main concept of
discussion for this short paper (DoD, 2014). According to this article, contingency and contracting
officers should understand their construction authorities, including the organization construct they
are working with (DoD, 2014). This article on defense pricing and contracting consist of the second
chapter discussing the authorities and structures in which they are many other topics inside,
including the ones on contracting and command authority and the construction structure, among
the many others (DoD, 2014). According to this article, the authority of command has no
implementation or creation of the acquisition policy, procedures, and guidance, including direction
or deviation of authorities. According to this article, all the commanders at all levels should avoid
promoting improper command influence. However, the contracting authorities should have the
capability to exercise unbiased independently; sound business judgments include oversight over
the contracts in the accomplishment of the mission of the contraction.
Furthermore, this paper focuses on discussing the second chapter, which distinguishes the
contracting and commanding authority (DoD, 2014. Some of the essential points discussed in this
chapter include the facts that the contracting officers are the only group of personnel with authority
to enter into the administer or demolishing contracts and create related findings and determining.
These officers also can bind the government only to the authority extend in their delegatory power.
However, the authorities responsible for carrying out appointments are to give the office of the
contraction the more precise instructions in writing concerning the limits of their authority.

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1 Command and Contracting Lines of Authority and Structure Name of Student University Course Professor's Name Date 2 Command and Contracting Lines of Authority and Structure Summary The authority and structure are a very critical topic or rather subject of discussion in society today. The command and contracting lines of authority and structure are among the main concept of discussion for this short paper (DoD, 2014). According to this article, contingency and contracting officers should understand their construction authorities, including the organization construct they are working with (DoD, 2014). This article on defense pricing and contracting consist of the second chapter discussing the authorities and structures in which they are many other topics inside, including the ones on contracting and command authority and the construction structure, among the many others (DoD, 2014). According to this article, the authority of command has no implementation or creation of the acquisition policy, procedures, and guidance, including direction or deviation of authorities. According to this article, all the commanders at all levels should avoid promoting improper command influence. However, the contracting authorities should have the capability to exercise unbiased independently; sound business judgments include oversight over the contracts in the accomplishment of the mission of the contraction. Furthermore, this paper focuses on discussing the second chapter, which distinguishe ...
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