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Dividend Payment Process In Public And Private Companies.edited

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Dividend Payment Process in Public and Private Companies
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Dividend Payment Process in Public and Private Companies
The corporate wages that companies give their stakeholders are referred to as dividends.
They can be in property form or stock shares, or the form of cash. The company's financial
strength in its present and future performance is seen in its ability to pay dividends. The
payment process for private companies is simpler than that of public companies since private
companies have fewer shareholders than public companies who may have people all over in
different countries. The constant public observation and scrutiny is not present in private
companies, especially SME's. The private business owners have full control over their earnings
and dividend policies. Therefore, they can examine and predict their dividend patterns and how
to allocate money to their various shareholders.
Most public companies are huge and highly successful companies that accumulate large
amounts of cash over a short period. For example, some of these companies, Amazon, have
high amounts of liquid assets in a single company that reduces the return to stakeholders on
equity. Amazon has made billions of dollars without paying any dividend to its shareholders
over the years, creating controversial conversations. The number of restrictions for private
companies is not as much as those of public institutions. However, the dividend payments also
depend on the dividend policies put in place by the company directors (Reyna, 2017). These
policies include stability, where dividend payments is guaranteed and predictable regardless of
the company's earningssecondly, the constant policy where the percentage of earnings
determines dividends during that period. Finally, a residual policy where the company pays the
remaining amount after all company expenses are taken care of. These policies help maintain
discipline in the financial sector and should be put in the company laws to avoid future

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1 Dividend Payment Process in Public and Private Companies Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Details Professor’s Name Due Date 2 Dividend Payment Process in Public and Private Companies The corporate wages that companies give their stakeholders are referred to as dividends. They can be in property form or stock shares, or the form of cash. The company's financial strength in its present and future performance is seen in its ability to pay dividends. The payment process for private companies is simpler than that of public companies since private companies have fewer shareholders than public companies who may have people all over in different countries. The constant public observation and scrutiny is not present in private companies, especially SME's. The private business owners have full control over their earnings and dividend policies. Therefore, they can examine and predict their dividend patterns and how to allocate money to their various shareholders. Most public companies are huge and highly successful companies that accumulate large amounts of cash over a short period. For example, some of these companies, Amazon, have high amounts of liquid assets in a s ...
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