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Artificial Intelligence In Decision Support Systems

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Running head: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS Artificial Intelligence in Decision Support Systems Institutional Affiliation: Date: 1 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS Introduction This paper identifies the use of artificial intelligence in making decision support systems. Decision Support Systems (DSS) or business intelligence (BI) refers to information systems that are created for decision-making activities. In the corporate field, AI used in decision-making support and problem-solving techniques in real-time .AI techniques are applied in corporate fields such as finance, production and finance. Business data is analyzed, problems are recognized and real-time decisions are provided. Artificial intelligence (AI) in this case refers to using intelligent software and smart computer to solve real-time problems, in this case, business related problems, and making decisions. Real-life applications of AI include function approximation, data processing, system identification and control, machine learning techniques, expert systems, link analysis and pattern recognition Framework of Identifying AI opportunities in Business In order for businesses to apply artificial intelligence into their work, they need to consider 4 major activity models; effectiveness, innovation, efficiency and expert models. Efficiency Model This model characterizes routine activities based on procedures, rules and criteria. The objective here is to give low-cost and co ...
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