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Environmental Deaths Paper

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Environmental Science
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Environmental Death 1
Environmental Deaths Paper

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Environmental Death 2
Environmental Deaths Paper
Environmental deaths are deaths that occur in a person’s environment not at the hand of
another person. The most common environmental deaths are drowning, lightening, hypothermia,
and hyperthermia. When a person dies it is responsibility of the corner or medical examiner to
make a determination of cause of death. In some cases it is fairly easy to determine a person died
of natural causes but in other cases this determination is not black and white. Once a
determination of environmental death is made then the death investigation is over but if the
medical examiner finds the death is suspicious the criminal investigation will begin.
Drowning is an environmental death that can be ruled as a homicide in some cases but in
most cases it is the result of an accident. Drowning is a natural cause of death is fifth in the
United Sates. Every year in the United States there are over 3,000 deaths due to accidental
drowning and a majority of the victims were male (Cox, 2013). A person drowns when their
lungs fill with water causing them to asphyxiate.
Drowning in Florida is a common occurrence and is the leading cause of death of
children under the age of five (Cox, 2013). Florida has the highest drowning rate for children
under the age of fourteen with the largest number of these deaths being African American
children. Even though Florida is surrounded by water on both sides it does not have the highest
number of drowning. This honor belongs to Texas. Florida is seventh in the state for drowning
being the cause of the environmental death. In Florida children are far more likely to drown in a
pool due to poor supervision.
Death be lightening is not as uncommon as it might seem and in fact there are eight to
ninety death by lightning each year in the United States. In the state of Florida lightning strikes

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Environmental Deaths Paper Name Class Date Professor Environmental Deaths Paper Environmental deaths are deaths that occur in a person's environment not at the hand of another person. The most common environmental deaths are drowning, lightening, hypothermia, and hyperthermia.?When a person dies it is responsibility of the corner or medical examiner to make a determination of cause of death. In some cases it is fairly easy to determine a person died of natural causes but in other cases this determination is not black and white. Once a determination of environmental death is made then the death investigation is over but if the medical examiner finds the death is suspicious the criminal investigation will begin. Drowning is an environmental death that can be ruled as a homicide in some cases but in most cases it is the result of an accident. Drowning is a natural cause of death is fifth in the United Sates. Every year in the United States there are over 3,000 deaths due to accidental drowning and a majority of the victims were male (Cox, 2013). A person drowns when their lungs fill with water causing them to asphyxiate. Drowning in Florida is a common occurrence and is the leading cause of death of children under the age of five (Cox, 2013). Florida has the highest drowning rate for children under the age of fourteen with the largest number of these deaths being African American children. Even though Florida is surrounded by water on both sides it does not ...
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