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Accounting for Government Grants: Sample Journal Entries

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Accounting for Government Grants: Sample Journal Entries
Shawn H. Miller, CPA, CFE
Calibre CPA Group PLLC
Following are some examples of journal entries for accounting for government grants.
Proper Accounting for Contributions:
Unrestricted award
Temporarily Restricted award
Permanently Restricted award

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NOTE: The investment income will be recorded into the unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted fund based on the
donor's guidance. In the absence of specific instructions all investment earnings are to be considered unrestricted.
Cost reimbursable grants
When grant awarded
No entry made since award is conditional upon incurring qualifying expenses
In-kind contributions
NOTE: The expense account charged should be based on the service provided (i.e. pro-bono legal services should be charged to legal
Agency transactions

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Accounting for Government Grants: Sample Journal Entries Author:  Shawn H. Miller, CPA, CFE Calibre CPA Group PLLC Topics:  Grants Following are some examples of journal entries for accounting for government grants. Proper Accounting for Contributions: Unrestricted award Temporarily Restricted award Permanently Restricted award NOTE: The investment income will be recorded into the unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted fund based on the donor's guidance. In the absence of specific instructions all investment earnings are to be considered unrestricted. Cost reimbursable grants When grant awarded No entry made since award is conditional upon incurring qualifying expenses   In-kind contributions   NOTE: The expense account charged should be based on the service provided (i.e. pro-bono legal services should be charged to legal expense)   Agency transa ...
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