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Child Welfare Policy And Practice

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Running head: CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT POLICY Child Abuse and Neglect Policy Name Course Tutor Date 1 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT POLICY 2 Child Abuse and Neglect Policy Overview Every single year in the United States, hundreds of children are victims of neglect and child abuse (Petersen, Joseph, Feit, on Law & National Research Council, 2014). Mostly collectively known as child maltreatment, neglect and abuse are usually defined as omissions or actions of a caregiver or parent that lead to severe harm to the child. It is estimated that one out of four children encounter neglect and abuse at some point in their lives. The implications of neglect and abuse are pervasive and long-term. Children who experience maltreatment are likely to participate in risky behaviors when they reach puberty and encounter poor health conditions into adulthood, with the inclusion of depression, substance abuse, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Nonetheless, Child neglect and abuse are mainly preventable, and there are several ways to reduce these burdens to both the community and child. One of the policies designed to tackle child maltreatment is the Child Abuse and Neglect Policy. The NRC (National Research Council) statement was first published in 1993; several alterations have been done to state and federal regulations and policies formulated to affect the reporting, incidence, and adverse economic and health implications of child neglect and abuse. Policy change in the arena of child prot ...
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