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Health Promotion Plan For Teenage Pregnancy Presentation

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Student’s Name Institution Instructor’s Name Course Name Date    Health promotion plans strive to promote population health by offering education and empowering communities and individuals to undertake lifestyle changes that reduce comorbidity risks (WHO, 2019). The first session of the promotion plan will take place in a small community in Manhattan, New York. I chose to engage all stakeholders, including parents, teenagers, community members, and health experts, to seek everyone's advice on how future sessions should be run, in order to make them more effective.    Teenagers accounted for more than 40 million people in the United States by 2019 (youths aged between 10-19 years). In New York City alone, teenagers constitute of more than 14% of the population. 50% of the teenage population was white, 25% is Latino, 14% is black, and 5% is Asian. More than 35,000 teens under the age of 25 were found to be homeless during the 2019 census, with another 8000 being teenage parents with children present. The majority of homeless kids are black LGBTQ youth, with the likelihood of being homeless increasing threefold when they "come out" as LGBTQ. At least one of every three 13-year-old youngsters has been in a romantic relationship, a figure that rises with age. More than 70% of people aged 17 to 19 admit to having had a romantic relationship in the previous 18 months (US Census Bureau, 2020).       Lack of patient motivation t ...
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