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Lgbt Rigts

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1 Running head: LGBT RIGHTS LGBT Rights Institutional Affiliation Date LGBT RIGHTS 2 LGBT rights Gays and lesbians should be protected from discriminations which occur in their workplace, residential and accommodations (Clinton, 2011). This is because; these people are humans just like any other living human beings. Therefore, their rights should be protected and hence, they should be given due respect just like any other American citizen. It is very much annoying to realize that, in some states here in America; the LGBT community is abused. For instance, firing a person from a job just because the person belongs from the LGBT community. The people may also fail to be given a job or be vacated away from their rental houses. This kind of bullying to humans is horrible. Therefore, the federal government should expand its protection laws to the LGBT works against violation of employment and discriminations. Since the marriage equality has been reached, the employment non-discrimination act bill may have a higher chance of passage (Keck, 2009). This is because, now many Americans are lightened up about the LGBT people, and a large percentage has accepted then hence the reduction ...
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