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Students name Course name Course code Institution of affiliation Date of submission Introduction Fillipi et al. (2010), document the scientific study, "The functional brain networks associated with human and animal suffering differ among omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans." The main inspiration of the study is that social interactions include some aspects of affective approach and empathy for co-specifics. People identify themselves with various specific and relate them to a mental process in particular areas of the brain suggesting some relation to emotions and feelings in an individual. The reactions between different individuals may be useful on the comprehension of socialization and behavior responses. The hypothesis of the study is that brain responses to suffering conditions in both humans and animals who are vegans and vegetarians making eating decisions secondary to some ethical considerations differ from the omnivores. Experimental design and methods The researchers used the event-related experimental design using observation of the negative affective images of animals and people. The empathic responses were verified using a questionnaire. The subjects consisted of twent ...
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