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Math g6

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Good morning children! Welcome to our math lesson. I am teacher Daisy and I am very excited to teach you . This a REMINDER we are passing by across the street S TOP LOOK L ISTEN QUARTER 3 WEEK 1 Visualizing and Describing the Different Solid Figures: Cube, Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder, Cone and Sphere. OBJECTIVE Visualize and describe the different solid figures: cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere using various concrete and pictorial models.(M6GE-Iia-27) Direction: Try to name the given shapes. 1. TRIANGLE Direction: Try to name the given shapes. 2. SQUARE Direction: Try to name the given shapes. 3. RECTANGLE Direction: Try to name the given shapes. 4. PENTAGON Direction: Try to name the given shapes. 5. HEXAGON polygons Polygons • is the combination of two words, poly (means many) and gon (means sides). A minimum of three line segments is required to connect end to end, to make a closed figure. Polygons • a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides or lines. Also known as two-dimensional figure or “2D”. • Is it possible to combine plane figures? • What do you think will happen if we are going to combine all of the same shapes? Solid Figures • are three-dimensional objects or “3D” (width, length, and height). They are identified according to their unique characteristics - the number and shape of the faces, number of edges, and vertices. CUBE FACE FACE • A face is the flat surface of a solid figure ...
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