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Ethical Issues In Cybersecurity

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Running Head: CYBER SECURITY 1 Ethical,Social and Technical matters related to Cybersecurity Name Institution of Affiliation CYBER SECURITY 2 Introduction Just like in any other profession ethics are needed in computer science. Ethics act as the moral principles that guide and regulate conducts of various stakeholders within the profession. Ethics in computer science affect how decisions are made by multiple stakeholders. Ethics in this business guide people on ways of having a good life with others, rights and responsibilities of stakeholders, the language of right or wrong and governing moral decisions. In the computer science, ethics are derived from professional conduct, cultures, and philosophies. In the professional ethical issues relates and surrounds problems about personal code, informal code of ethical conduct in their places of work and exposure to formal codes of ethics (Zureich, Dan, & William, 2015) In studying and researching on the issue of ethical and societal concerns in the profession, we concentrate on the subject of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity entails the state of being sheltered against the criminal or illegal use of electronic data and the measures taken to realize the security of information. In cybersecurity, the stakeholders use practices, strategies, and technology to protect data, networks programs, and computers from attack or being accessed by unauthorized persons. To achieve total cybersecurity, there is a need for coordinated efforts in ...
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