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Kilgore session 3 stewardship and vocational integrity

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Stewardship and Vocational Integrity
Tonda Kilgore
Colorado Christian University
Adult Studies Seminar I- Block 1 INT-211A-ON15F-FA21
Dr. J. Brad Knox
September 19, 2021

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Stewardship and Vocational Integrity
Before taking this course, I hadn’t heard the term stewardship much, so I wasn’t sure
what it meant exactly. The first thing that came to mind is a flight attendant which used to
be called a stewardess. Through my reading of chapters 1 and 5 I now have a better
understanding of what it means to be a good steward and what vocational integrity is.
Smith (2011) states “living our lives to the full is precisely what it means to be good
stewards of our lives. (p.13). In other words, use the blessings God has given us for the
good of man. We are also called to live with vocational integrity, a blueprint of living that
is consistent with our identity (Smith, 2011, p. 36).
Stewardship is the understanding that our life is not our own. God calls us to steward
everything about our lives for his glory and the good of others (Wisnewski, 2020). I was
given the stewardship from God to counsel people recovering from addiction which
includes my husband, so I am in school preparing for what God has called me to do. I feel
God brought my husband and I together because it was apart of his plan that I could help
my husband overcome his addiction. Each of you should use whatever gift you have
received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. (Holy
Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblica Inc, 1 Peter 4:10). I am realizing now
just how truly blessed I am, and I will start responding more with an attitude of gratitude
by developing all of my talents to their full potential by using them to serve others.
As a good steward we must simplify our life by prioritizing our time and resources on
what is truly important to us. Our faith should be evident in our daily lives. In the last few
months, I realized I wasn’t truly putting God first in my life. Once I did that, I saw things

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1 Stewardship and Vocational Integrity Tonda Kilgore Colorado Christian University Adult Studies Seminar I- Block 1 INT-211A-ON15F-FA21 Dr. J. Brad Knox September 19, 2021 2 Stewardship and Vocational Integrity Before taking this course, I hadn’t heard the term stewardship much, so I wasn’t sure what it meant exactly. The first thing that came to mind is a flight attendant which used to be called a stewardess. Through my reading of chapters 1 and 5 I now have a better understanding of what it means to be a good steward and what vocational integrity is. Smith (2011) states “living our lives to the full is precisely what it means to be good stewards of our lives.” (p.13). In other words, use the blessings God has given us for the good of man. We are also called to live with vocational integrity, a blueprint of living that is consistent with our identity (Smith, 2011, p. 36). Stewardship is the understanding that our life is not our own. God calls us to steward everything about our lives for his glory and the good of others (Wisnewski, 2020). I was given the stewardship from God to counsel people recovering from addiction which includes my husband, so I am in school prepa ...
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